
Download and Installing Windows 10 from an ISO file

Installing Windows 10 from an ISO file can be a great way to refresh or reinstall the operating system on your computer. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you install Windows 10 from an ISO file:

  1. Create a bootable USB drive: To install Windows 10 from an ISO file, you need to have a bootable USB drive. You can use a tool such as Windows USB/DVD Download Tool or Rufus to create the bootable drive.

  2. Download the Windows 10 ISO file: Visit the Microsoft website and download the Windows 10 ISO file to your computer.

  3. Burn the ISO to the USB drive: Connect the USB drive to your computer and use the tool you used in step 1 to burn the ISO file to the drive.

  4. Boot from the USB drive: To boot from the USB drive, restart your computer and press the boot menu key (usually F12) to access the boot menu. Select the USB drive from the boot menu and press enter.

  5. Install Windows 10: The installation process will begin automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. You will be asked to select the language, time and currency format, and keyboard input method.

  6. Enter the product key: If you have a valid product key, enter it at this point. If you do not have a product key, you can use the built-in evaluation version for a limited time.

  7. Select the partition: You will be prompted to select the partition where you want to install Windows 10. You can either choose to install Windows 10 on an existing partition or create a new partition.

  8. Finish the installation: The installation process will take some time to complete. Once it is finished, your computer will restart and you will be able to log in to Windows 10.

In conclusion, installing Windows 10 from an ISO file is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. Just make sure to follow the instructions carefully and have a backup of your important data before proceeding with the installation.


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